Dear Wolfgang & Jay,
A. so in your opinion people - both young and old - not yet knowing anything about computers, perhaps buying their first unit, are - not only "IT-illiterate" but also "morons"

B. so you agree that among these "IT-illiterate morons (= idiots)" are bosses, persons in chief position (managers). When responsible for their dept's/company's strategic and operative effectiveness and economical result, these "IT-illiterate morons" decide about the need of an IT-department -- and employ an IT-manager to that department to take care of the company's IT-system, programs and personnel included. Are you not barking at a wrong tree - is it not this your IT-superior you should bark at?
I take it obvious that neither of you can be in a manager position.

C. Obviously you qualify yourselves as highly "IT-literate" -- perhaps even "non-morons".
Some weeks ago LibO invited people to take part to make LibO better.
Would it not be an good idea that you - instead of blaming others - took the opportunity to practice your high quality IT-knowledge to the benefit of LibO.
Best regards
Pertti Rönnberg

On 30.9.2012 23:17, Jay Lozier wrote:
On 09/30/2012 03:31 PM, Wolfgang Keller wrote:

The point is not that there are plenty of hopelessly IT-illiterate
morons out there, the point is imho that it's exactly these
IT-illiterate morons who "decide" about what those people who have to do
the actual work have to "work" with.
+1, In the US they are called "Pointy Haired Boss" of PHB


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