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-----Original Message-----
From: anne-ology [] 
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 2:18 PM
To: Thomas
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] query re. volunteering w/ LO

       Thanks for responding;
           I've been attempting to do just that -
              it states I must log-in to the wiki site ... so I attempt
to set-up an account ... each time it states there's some math question
with a blank to fill-in to prove I'm not some robot - but not finding
this, I continue on only to be sent back to the initial log-in page  ???

       HOW does one avoid having to sign-in to this wiki site before
being able to access the LO portion of the site ???

       I've looked all over the page, but cannot locate where this
supposed question/blank is located  ???

       Has no one else been required to log-in to the wiki site first?
is this something new they've added? ... is there some help/contact page
to send questions - and where they will respond with an actual answer?

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