Another important point is that a lot of our "new features" are about compatibility. It is expected by our users and our contributors that our product be compatible with the competitors. This is unlike our competitors who routinely want to ignore what we are doing to make the office suite better. So when our competitor makes a change, we want to ensure that if you try to open the document(s) in LibO, for the "most part", it works.

It is definitely a hard decision and I hope that more people start tinkering with the code, I'm not a programmer by profession but a bit of work and a lot of patience, and some great help from the dedicated developers has resulted in me submitting a couple patches and a few more are on the way :-D. Don't forget that developing isn't the only way to help, we have marketing, UX (look of our product), documentation, QA, etc... that all need people. Even if it's only an hour a week, it helps, I guarantee it.


On 10/18/2012 03:25 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Yes, but rather than learn new words for all those sorts of things i thought it 
was smart to re-use words that we ARE familiar with in order to give a close 
approximation to what is going on.

LO is a meritocracy which suggests there are leaders leading.  There is some 
sort of management structure that has some sort of hierarchy but one that can 
respond sensibly to people's changing lives rather than being stagnant and 

We don't need to know the exact details and just using words that are similar 
enough is good enough for us on this list.  If people want details then they 
can probably find them out easily enough by joining the devs list or looking 
around their wiki and places.  It's not hidden it's just too much for me to 
think about right now and their are tons of ways they could have structured it 
sensibly to deal with the type of work they do.

The main point is that devs are roughly equal to rock gods imo while we hang 
around helping people with their tickets and point them to the bar.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Dr. R. O Stapf <>
Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012, 11:08
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] ... not working ...

I don't mean that a single manager makes all decisions and the team has to 
follow. The word
"manager" could and should be understood also as "management team", "decision making 
"leadership", etc.

I am not familiar with the structure of the dev team and decision making 
processes. Thus, I used
simply "manager". At the end it is the dev team bringing LO forward. Let me 
repeat myself, but I
respect these people a lot and I am very grateful for all the work they did and 

On 18.10.2012 16:44, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I think that it's precisely because we see so much great development being done that we 
get excited about it and want more.  Also the fact that people can post bug-reports and 
even non-coders opinions do get listened makes us feel like we can "off-load".  
So, a lot of the criticisms are not necessarily about LO specifically but about IT in 

ROSt talks about management decisions and hints about those being imposed on a workforce 
because that's the easier way for most of us on the Users List to understand it.  I 
suspect that most of us either do now or have at some point worked in traditional offices 
in mainstream management structures.  In LO i imagine the equivalent is leadership rather 
than management.  Inspiration and initiative rather than "just following 
orders".  Personal investment and interest in achieving goals.  It is leading to 
some impressive results.

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Thu, 18/10/12, rost52 <> wrote:

From: rost52 <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] ... not working ...
Date: Thursday, 18 October, 2012, 7:44

Hi Joel,

I think nobody blames the dev team for not working enough; in contrast all 
appreciate the work done by the dev team, being it new features or bug fixes.

For my understanding the concerns and opinions expressed here are more related 
to the ratio of devs being allocate to new features versus bug fixes. I think 
most of us also understand that first the number of devs is limited, and second 
the decision on how many devs on new features and how many on bug fixes is not 
an easy one. It is a management decisions, which can turn out right or wrong. 
And for management decisions one needs a lot of information. Speaking for 
myself I would regard these comments as additional information.

In this sense, please regard the messages in this forum as additional 
information, which could.should help decision makers to make decisions. And 
should a decision turn out to be wrong, there is no problem in changing course. 
The worst thing a manager can do is, not to make a decision. Without decision 
there is no change to the situation and thus no chance for improvement.

Let me thank here again all devs doing great jobs in developing and improving 


Maybe I take C++ classes when I retire.... LO would be worth to do.

On 18.10.2012 14:36, Joel Madero wrote:
Let alone regressions which are just accepted as a part of software development. Ultimately, 
mistakes happen, and when a software code base has been transferred left and right and had a 
ton of people randomly working on it (which is exactly what happens with open source 
software), a lot of the job of a developer coming onto the project is just playing 
"catch up" and guessing and what a previous developer was attempting to do. Again, 
I highly suggest taking a few C++ classes and then it'll become apparent that the idea that 
we should stop everything and get every single bug squashed (>5,000), is not a realistic 
stance. We should and we are (I guarantee this) doing everything in our power to prioritize 
bugs and take care of those bugs that are

a) most annoying

b) affecting the most users

c) resulting in data loss

We are a young project and this is a goal that has been set. Being young, this 
is a goal, not a fact. If you're interested in seeing how much work is done on 
a daily basis, just follow gerrit (our code tracker), or sit in IRC and look at 
the incredibly brilliant conversations that happen to find solutions to many of 
the problems that are being reported.

Just to give another point, we are averaging more than 5 new reports PER DAY. 
Our QA team is a group of volunteers no more than 7 or 8 strong. Each of these 
bugs has to go through a long process just to verify, ensure that it's not a 
duplicate, communicate with the user who reported it, and then priortize it. 
That's JUST getting the bug confirmed, then it gets put into the stack where a 
very small group of dedicated developers tackle them, one by one. A single bug 
can take a week + to tackle (that's 40+ hours). Let's say the average bug takes 
10 hours (a massive understatement), that's 50,000 hours worth of work to 
tackle the 5,000 or so confirmed bugs.

Seeing these off hand remarks about how we should develop the product is 
disheartening. I wish that more people would take a class at their local 
community college, or take a free online course, and start to put their 
thoughts to work on our code.


On 10/17/2012 10:23 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:
On 10/18/2012 01:08 AM, Joel Madero wrote:
On 10/17/2012 06:29 PM, anne-ology wrote:
            ... Thanks  :-)
                   maybe now more will realize what we're saying ;-)
This is simply unrealistic. For anyone who has any experience with programming 
this would be known. No offense but with a ratio of 100,000:1 or more users to 
developers, the idea that we would just squash all bugs and stop releasing new 
versions isn't realistic at all and thus why developers wouldn't respond to 
this recommendation. If you want to help I suggest taking some C++ classes and 
getting involved with the code. Most of us are volunteers who do this with our 
spare time, I hope you all keep that in mind

Another problem for all programs in wide release is wide hardware variability 
in the Windows and Linux worlds especially when compared to Macs. There could 
be a very odd hardware/driver interaction that was never discovered in alpha, 
beta, or release candidate previews with specific hardware combinations.

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:07 AM, Pertti Rönnberg <> wrote:

BRAVO Anne-Ology!!
Exactly that message - only in other words -- I have repeatedly tried to
tell to the LibO-experts (devs) since January:
they must take a brake in developing and take a certain version (e.g.
3.4.xx) and make every module of the suite - Base included - absolutely
free of bugs and inconsistencies both in programming and the instructions
and especially the LibO-Help.
Every feature shall have a clear explanation and a detailed guiding how-to
in the LibO-Help -- easily understood by any average non-expert user.

Obviously I've been crying in vain because I have not noticed any
(re)actions -- the developing of new versions is continuing with the result
of an increasing activity on this list.

I have LibO3.4.6 installed (Win7) but avoid using it (Calc, Base) because
I have better to do than struggle with problems.
I would like to know which LibO version for the time being can be
considered as the most reliable and productive -- especially regarding Base.
It would also be interesting to see an (valid) evaluation of that reliable
usability on a scale 1-10 for each of the the different modules of versions
3.4.xx, 3.5.xx.x, 3.6.xx.x
Pertti Rönnberg

On 16.10.2012 18:15, anne-ology wrote:

             This is the reason I have no intention of updating from 3.4 until
ALL these bugs are worked out -
                  then I'll update to 3.5; yes, I'll always be behind BUT I
have the hassles of these bugs  ;-)

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 9:22 AM, teatimest <> wrote:

I've been using v3.4 of LibreOffice. I updated to v3.6.2.2 and now the

contents of documents are not indexed for search.

I'm using 64-bit Windows 7. The extension odt is checked for the indexing
option. I also checked the "Index Properties and File Contents" in the
Indexing Option in Windows.

When I search, doc files and ppt files appears in the result but not odt

Is it just me or is this known bug? The same thing happened when I
to v3.5 so I went back to v3.4 for the searchability. Is there any


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