At 11:35 26/10/2012 +0200, JP Grivet wrote:
Using LO/Calc-3.6, I am trying, without success, to run an iterative computation. First, in tools/options/calc, I check iterations and set step 1, minimum change = 0.01. Then, in tools/cell contents, I uncheck automatic computation.

For a minimal example, cell contents are as follows:
A1: 0; A2: =(A1+A3)/2; A3: =(A2+A4)/2;.....; A9: =(A8+A10)/2; A10: 1.

As soon as I press F9, Err:523 appears in each cell.

You have set Steps (not "step") to 1: this is the maximum number of iterations, so that you have allowed the iteration to be performed only once. Your calculation will not converge in one step, so you see Error 523 - that your calculation has not converged within your limit of just one step. You will need about 50 steps for such a calculation to converge. Set Steps to 50 or more and see what happens.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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