On 11/09/2012 03:25 PM, VA wrote:
I'm a huge proponent of paragraph styles, and I use them constantly in Writer. One frustration I have is that when I call up the Styles pane (F11), it typically lists the styles by "Automatic" by default. I then always change it to list the styles in a "Hierarchical" fashion. I would love to have the styles listed hierarchically by default, but I haven't found a way to achieve this.

Any ideas?

I'm using Libre on a dual-boot Windows 7/Ubuntu machine if that makes any difference.

I also use styles in Writer all the time. There are a few things that I do. I dock the Styles and Formatting pane (F11) on the left side of LibreOffice. I do not close it before closing LibreOffice. (I personally use "Applied Styles" all the time.) When I open Writer, this pane opens showing Applied Styles. I use the Debian LO download from LibreOffice. I do not know whether keeping the Styles pane open all of the time will make "Hierarchal Styles" the default value on a Windows OS. It does seem to work on Ubuntu.


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