You cannot "own" a copyright on words or your language.

You copyright the order they are used in a document.

The published definition type of dictionaries copyright the text of their definitions, and not the words themselves. You copyright "War and Peace" but not the words used in that very large book. The authors of the books would be very put out if they have to get permission to use English words if a publisher of a definition dictionary could own the words in their books.


You want one source, try looking at the published lists of words that many Linux distros state are part of American, British, Canadian versions of English. How about their French lists, or Spanish lists. I looked and found where they are published and they are there for all to see and use under open source.

You want another, try googling for free word lists for the various English languages. There are places out there, or were out there, since the Internet/WWW has been more than a Educational play thing.

Also, over the years I have collected many sets of words. When I started was with a dictionary project from my college days for a 177,000 spelling word dictionary.

Then have you ever data-mined the words used in published articles and other documents? Ever looked into an Unabridged dictionary that weighs 10-15 pounds of paper?

How do you want me to declare all of these sources? By words found where or by the year I found them? How about I look for who had the authority to include it in that version of the English language [that would very hard to find]? Well, I do not have a list since I have been doing this word collecting for well over 20 years and with many different computers. Many times I have lost files and had to rebuild them. Since I have had my 3 strokes, I have been looking into ways to find more and more places that have correctly spelled words in their documents.

Now, you call me "guilty of plagiarism".

I take published documents and data-mine what words are being used. I do my best to find sources that are linguistically correct. "Purists" for "standards" have created the following versions of the French language:
I did not make up those names, but they came from the people who created the French dictionaries for LO and AOO.

I think that if a person writes in French and uses a spelling of a word that is part of their written history, that those words and their spellings are valid.

When I see a document published in Canada, I assume that they are words used in Canadian English. If the document is published in the UK, then those words are British English. If the document is published in the USA, then that document uses words in American English.

Now we are not a isolated societies anymore. The English language has added words from French, Spanish, and German sources. Actually words are being added to the language from peoples and cultural sources all over the world. We who speak the English in the USA have started to include words and their spellings that the British have been using for years. Since Canada was founded by British and French speaking people, they get much of their English words from Britain. Now, since Canada and the USA share a border, words and their spellings cross that border in both direction.

As I said, I am not a linguist. I rely on other who are publishing documents in their own versions of English to be the proper authority. If I believe that those groups, organizations, or publications have the authority, then I will use the words in the documents produced by them. By-the-way, there are rarely one group that can be called the sole authority for a subject, but one of the many groups that share it. Also, these different groups can state different opinions about the same topic. They do not always agree. Just look at all of the different publishers of Unabridged dictionaries published in the USA. They all include a different "total" set of words, with some words not included by others even though they all claim to be unabridged versions of the English language.

I would like to add to my word lists, the spelling words of most of the English language terms used in Science, Mathematics, Technology, and other things that are taught to our youth from the time they are 5 years old through their college and university education. I will look for those documents that are in English that are part of the written knowledge and try to find words that are not currently included in my current dictionaries.


if you do not think my work is correct, you have the choice not to use it. Find other dictionaries. Actually, the English language dictionary that is included in LO may actually include en_AU, en_CA, en_GB, en_US, and en_ZA. With the 64-bit Debian install of LibreOffice, there are over 10 localized English versions included. Tell me, if all of these versions of English is installed, then are then not all looked at when spelling a word? I know that any dictionary I install in the Extension Manager list that are not disabled are used. The included dictionary, with all of the 10+ versions is locked and cannot be disabled. So I assume that all of the words in that dictionary are checked. [Actually, since my dictionary was installed after LO's included one was installed, it appears that it is checked before LO's is - or so it looks when I call in the thesaurus to find me options, my manually installed one is listed first and the LO included one's options are listed after that.]

It is your choice to use it or not.

Now please do not call someone "guilty of plagiarism" unless you have proof of that act and not just opinions.

On 11/23/2012 04:27 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2012-11-23 3:07 PM webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
A poster has stated that there may be problems with the Canadian dictionary. Something about some specific word spellings that they do not think is "pure" Canadian words, but American word spellings. For my part, I did not choose the words in each of the set of word lists. What I can say is that the words for the Canadian dictionary has come from sources that state that the words are Canadian words. The British and American words are from word lists that come from lists stating that these are British words and American words.

I never used the word "pure". I am referring to the standard Canadian spelling, not the alternate spellings some people may use. A spell checker is only of use if it gives the standard spelling for a word. Having many different spellings of a word indicated as correct renders it useless as a spell checker.

You need better sources.

I am not a authority in what is the differences between each of the versions of the English language. So, I look to other groups and organizations that know much more about these things than I do. If someone does not like the spelling words I use, please take my dictionaries and edit out the words they thing that are not words that are not "pure" English for their version of the language.

If you do not know what the standard spelling is for a version of English you have no business putting out a spell checker for that version.

Are you seriously suggesting that I go through 674,277 words and correct their spelling? That is what I use a spell checker for, and for doing that yours is useless

NO, I will not give out my resources or places where I get my word lists. Everyone can find my sources, if they look for them. They seem to have new ones every year or two, or so I have seen.

Since you do not give credit to your sources you are guilty of plagiarism.

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