Opens fine in my opensuse version of LO, which is I think about 3.5.4. (3.5 build 403).

On 2012-11-30 05:45, Chris Carlson wrote:
Okay, I must be brain-dead.  I misread "nabble" as "nobble."

Looking at nabble, it's way more than I need if anyone want's to look at the document with which I'm having trouble. It can be downloaded from

Thanks, all, for the support.

On 11/27/2012 11:41 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:
On 11/28/2012 01:14 AM, Chris Carlson wrote:
I'm new to this e-mail list, so excuse me if this is something discussed already.

I've been very pleased with LibreOffice on many fronts. I recommend it to everyone. As a matter of fact, I use it instead of Word at every opportunity. At work, though, I use Word because that's what's installed.

I write a newsletter for the American Legion. Since it was developed in Word, I use my old student copy of Word 2003 to create it each month. I have to provide both a .doc and .pdf of the newsletter to the printers. My trick, since Word 2003 doesn't offer a .pdf output, is to read the .doc with LibreOffice (3.5) and publish it to .pdf.

For the first time in months, LibreOffice can't seem to recognize the .doc format. I'm using the same version of Word that I've used for months. The newsletter is basically the same file, which I copy and modify for the new month. For whatever reason, LibreOffice tries to open it as a text file. It initially asks what text encoding it should use, waits for a long time, and then opens a garbage document.

Is this a known problem? Did I do something to the document that caused it to be read incorrectly?

Thanks for any ideas on this.


Which subversion of 3.5 are you using?

doc formats are generally well behaved for importing into LO. Occasionally there is file that does not load correctly.

You might try saving the file as rtf and try opening that in LO. Once you get the newsletter to open is to save it using ODF formats instead of doc format.

One trick you can try is to rename the Libreoffice users folder - I am not sure on Windows where it is. Restart LO and the folder will be recreated. If there is a garbled setting this sometimes fixes the problem.

If you can post a typical file to Nabble someone may be able to see if they can replicate the problem.

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