Could you summarize the highlights for those of us that don't
understand the computer-talk  ;-)
             so we'll know when we really must upgrade.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
> My 'local' supermarket, part of a national and possibly international
> chain, used to have an isle for magazines with 1 section for IT.  Out of
> the 16 mags there used to be 2 devoted to Linux.  Sadly, last week there
> there was only 1 :(  but a few gaps so i went in today hoping to see 2
> again but still only 1 :(  still some gaps.
> Then i noticed the sections on either side seem to have crept into the IT
> section so it's gone from 2/16 about Linux to about 1/10.  Not quite such a
> bad drop as i had first feared.  Then i noticed that 2 mags on the top
> shelf were about Android and another mag was about smart-phones with 4
> sections in the mag to cover the 4 main types = they had Android as the
> number 1 best, then iPhone, then Windows and finally blackberry.  So, half
> the mag about Linux, or 3/4 about unix-based platforms and only 1/4 about
> Windows.
> So that added up to 3.5/10 mags about Linux platforms!!  Nearly double on
> a few weeks ago in a shrinking market!!
> Oh of the remainder of the mags several were dedicated to Photoshop and a
> few to iSomethings and some too generic to get down to specific OSes or
> even platforms.
> Amazing stuff!!
> Regards from
> Tom :)

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