Hi :)
Just thought people might like to hear about the results of a public 
consultantation that has been taking place in the Uk.  I first heard about it 
through these lists a few months ago

Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Linda Humphries <hidden>
>To: Open Standards (ICTF) <openstanda...@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk> 
>Sent: Monday, 10 December 2012, 22:46
>Subject: Open Standards Consultation
>Dear Contributor
>Thank you for your response to the UK Government's Open Standards: Open 
>Opportunities public consultation. The consultation ran from 9 February to 4 
>June 2012. At the close of the consultation, we had received evidence from 
>over 480 responses and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for 
>sharing your views and helping us to formulate new policy on this topic.
>As you may know, the consultation process concluded with the publication of a 
>government response and a new policy - the Open Standards Principles - on 1 
>November 2012. The
government response covers the process we followed, a review of the
key themes that emerged in the consultation, how they have been taken
on board and the next steps for open standards in government IT.
>Online submissions were published during the
consultation period to encourage debate and we have now also made available the 
written responses submitted through other channels. The only exception to this 
is any submissions which explicitly
requested confidentiality. 
>Two independent reports commissioned by the Cabinet Office from Bournemouth 
>University have also been published and are available on the Cabinet Office 
>website - an analysis of the consultation responses and an evidence review of 
>aspects of the proposed policy. The responses, reports and new policy are all 
>available here.
>In the new year, we shall be setting up the Open Standards Board, as described 
>in the Open Standards Principles. We look forward to your continuing 
>engagement through the Standards Hub during 2013.
>Kind regards, 
>Linda Humphries
>Government Digital Service
>Cabinet Office
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