On 01/01/2013 11:52 AM, Rob Nikander wrote:

I have LibreOffice, on Mac OS, and a new document.  I'm trying to
change the style of "Header 2" by changing one header and using "Update
Style", but it doesn't work.  Here's exactly what I do...

I have 2 paragraphs of style "Header 2".  The style font is Times New
Roman.  I triple click on the first header to select it. I got to toolbar
and select Helvetica font, which changes this header to Helvetica.  Then in
the "Styles and Formatting" panel (with Header 2 still selected) I activate
the menu and choose "Update Style".  Nothing happens to the second header.
  To check if the style itself changed, I right click on "Header 2" >
"Modify".  That dialog panel still shows "Times New Roman" under the Font

There are other "Header 2"s in the document, and they do not have the same
problem. Any ideas on what is wrong with this header, or some way to check
it's underlying properties so I can fix it, or report a bug, if needed. I
cleared direct formatting, set it's style back to "default" and then back
to header2... same problem.

This link is where you can get the Guides for the LibreOffice components. The one you should get is the Getting Started Guide specifically the "Getting Started with Writer" chapter. The latter contains a chapter on how to apply styles to a document. If you download the guide or chapter, a table showing the differences between the Mac OS and the operating systems. It seems that what you have done is to add direct formating to the header you were working with. The first thing you need to do is to select the header and clear direct formatting. Then follow the instructions in the Getting Started with Writer chapter to change styles.


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