On 2013-01-08 07:12, Giuseppe Greco wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm creating a document template and I've added a table of contents. By
> default, the table of contents does not have numbering... so I've just
> enabled it. So far so good. The problem is that there is no space or tab
> between chapter number and chapter text:
> 1Chapter
>   1.1Section
>   1.2Section
> 2Chapter
>   2.1Section
>   2.2Section
> Is there a way to add a tab between chapter number and chapter text so
> that the result looks like this?
> 1  Chapter
>    1.1  Section
>    1.2 Section
> 2  Chapter
>    2.1  Section
>    2.2  Section
> Any help would be really appreciated ;-)
> Thanks,
> j3d

Hi Guiseppe,

Go to your ToC and right-click on it. Then select "Edit Index/Table". In
the dialog that appears go to the tab "Entries". Next to "Structure"
you'll see a set of text fields and buttons. Underneath you'll find a
button that allows you to insert tabs. Just select the position in the
row above it and click on the "Tab" button.

You'll probably need to play around with this a bit to get the feel of
it. But it isn't too difficult, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Good luck!

Grx HdV

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