On 01/20/2013 04:31 PM, Hank Alper wrote:
I've invested a considerable amount of time in constructing tables, forms
and queries for a project of mine. I successfully produced 3 nice reports
using Report Builder. Now, I'm starting to observe strange behavior in
Base. Queries and Reports I've prepared days earlier suddenly disappear
after I've used them in Report Builder to prepare or edit a Report. As an
example, I've just used Report Builder to design a report, saved my work
and closed the file. I then ran the report in the viewer and it was fine,
but needed minor tweaking.I closed the viewer and then right clicked on the
icon for my report in order to continue editing. LO closed down! When I
restarted, LO blithely announced it was recovering my database. It did, but
the new Report and the modifications to a query I made in this session were
gone. I think* most* of this behavior is due to Report Builder. Has anyone
else observed this type of behavior before ?.
We need some basic information. What version of LibreOffice are you using? What operating system do you use? Do you use backups or AutoRecovery? Have you ever used CHECKPOINT as a SOL command? It closes the database files, rewrites the script file, deletes the log file and opens the database. If CHECKPOINT DEFRAG is specified, this command also shrinks the .data file to its minimal size.


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