At 18:04 27/01/2013 -0500, Taang Zomi wrote:
In LibreOffice 3.3 Math Guide (0700MG33-MathGuide3.3.odt), on p. 14, the following is written:

*Numbering equations*
Equation numbering is one of LibreOffice Math's best hidden features. The steps are simple, but obscure:
1. Start a new line.
2. Type *fn* and then press *F3*.

When I typed fn and pressed F3, nothing happened. In the document the fn I typed appeared, not the desired result. I do not know whether my F3 key did not work.

I think what you may be doing (understandably) is to try this in a Math document - and I cannot see how it works there. Instead, it works as described in a text (Writer) document. Indeed, I notice that the version of the Math Guide for LibreOffice version 3.5 has corrected "Equation numbering is one of LibreOffice Math's best hidden features" to read "Equation numbering is one of Writer's best hidden features".

In a text document, in a new paragraph or after a space, type "fn" and press F3. A table with a single row of two columns appears, containing a dummy equation and the required number (as a field). You need only to double-click the equation to open the Math window at the bottom of the window, where you can remove the dummy equation's definition and replace it with your own.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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