At 13:51 01/02/2013 +0000, Aonly Gonly wrote:
I typed in e=mc2
new line and entered *fn* and then F3

It gave me E=mc2      (1)

Good: that's what it is supposed to do.

So I did a second equation (made up for the purpose)

p =(q + 1)2
New line and *fn* and then F3

But got E=mc2       (2)
again ...

Good: right again.

What gives?

Only that you misunderstand how to use this. You cannot type the equation into the text (Writer) document directly, as it needs to be defined as a Math equation.
o Enter "FN" and press F3.  You get the dummy numbered equation (E=mc^2).
o Now double-click the dummy equation. The Math window opens at the foot of the window and you can edit the equation's definition - removing it entirely and replacing it with your own.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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