On 05/02/13 14:07, Urmas wrote:
"Tom Davies":

On the other hand MS Office still does not support many features of LibreOffice yet either.

Like custom toolbar backgrounds? I think people can live without those.

For example the Student's version of MSO doesn't include Publisher or Access.

Why does a student need Publisher? Why does they need Access when they can have the real SQL server for free?

Because many people prefer to use GUI front-ends, and why hobble a suite just for a different market?

 Plus their default formats ... only really work on desktop machines.

Both BIFF and RTF are trivially parsed and can be used on servers as well.

Except the most recent versions of MSO claim to use the pseudo-Open document format (which isn't actually compatible with odf standards) and default to the non-backwards compatible *.docx

Will MSO ever catch up on security or cross-platform compatibility?

There are third-party solutions which handle Office documents on mobile devices. The two only desktop platforms, Windows and MacOSX are both using MSO. What compatibility?

And the other desktop platforms (such as all of the *nixes and *BSDs) don't and MS ensures that they keep their APIs a trade secret and continually code these so that they aren't even backwards compatible with their own products! Moreover, the number of cracks and security leaks associated with MSO are legendary.

But, this list is not about MSO, nor even MSO bashing - which is almost too easy - so back to LibO stuff, eh?

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