
Just noticed that LibreOffice does not use the defined text coloring.
I do not know where you can change the font color of the menus.

So, I wonder why LO is not using the persona/theme menu colors. Since LO's menu text color is black, you will have to use the lighter colored themes.

On 02/18/2013 12:34 PM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

You have to define it during the submission process. You give it a name, define the header and footer images, and you define the text and accent colors for menu text.

I do not know of any way to change the menu text in a persona if the designer chose the wrong color for the user.

I try to use either a white color for dark backgrounds or black for the light background. Maybe later, I will make some backgrounds that will look good with some colored text. I test my persona/theme designs with Firefox before I submit them. I do not know of a way to do that with LibreOffice, but maybe later.

Of course, if you can get a hold of the designer, you could let them know that a specific theme and its menu text color did not work for your system.

My "light" reptile skin worked well with my systems, and another's but a user on this list stated it was not "working for them". SO, I decided to make a really dark version of the same theme and using white text instead of black.

Sorry this does not help you. For me there are a lot of themes out there that seemed to have dark images and dark text, or others where the text color was not standing out enough to use.

On 02/18/2013 12:03 PM, Scott Castaline wrote:
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When you say White text are you referring to the menu bar text? If so,
how do you get it to display in white? I'm using a persona from
Firefox and I have click on a spot where I think the correct menu is
to get the drop down. In Firefox and Thunderbird all of the text in
the menu bar is white so the black background doesn't hide, but in
Libre the text remains in black, so the text is lost in the background.

On 02/18/2013 08:25 AM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
Well, I could make it much darker, but then I would have to use
White text.

It looks good on my Ubuntu's LCD monitor, and my Win7 laptop.

So decide, dark background and white text or light background with
the default black text.

OR you could go and make a theme yourself and submit it to Firefox
and get it approved.  Then use that one.

On 02/18/2013 07:28 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :) I guess it depends somewhat on how your monitor is set-up.
I have 2 that are both supposedly 'correct' but one is a lot
darker than the other.  I put "correct" in single quotes because
i think both those monitors are a bit wonky and wouldn't be good
for editing images. Regards from Tom :)

________________________________ From: Urmas
<davian...@gmail.com> To: users@global.libreoffice.org Sent:
Monday, 18 February 2013, 5:16 Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re:
Reptile Skin design for a 4.0.0 "Persona" / 33+ designs for LO

I really like how my "LibreOffice Reptile Skin 1" Persona
design works out on LibreOffice 4.0.0.
Seriously? It's so bright that it's unusable.

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