I do not understand the reference?

Are you saying that TDF/LO should promote the "green" issues of reducing the consumption of paper in offices?

Are you saying that LO will help reduce the amount of paper since the files can be directly exported as PDF files and other electronic formats so you do not need to "print and pass" paper copied of the documents?

Yes, a paper reduction is a good idea but I do not know if that marketing idea is something we want to get involved in promoting, or at least for now. Most office and other packages can have their "printing" done by using a PDF printing client. CUPS-PDF for Linux and doPDF for Windows. Then you do not need to print to paper to save the documents.

Right now, I am promoting LO as a free alternative to MSO. I want to promote the abilities of using a free and open source package and not rely on what type of packages and uses the giants companies tell the users that the user want, and not really asking. LO users ask for what they need and our developers try to provide it. MSO tell users that there is a need for only a few supported languages, while LO is now at about 100 languages and adding more every few months [it seems].

As for paperless, or paper reduction in my home/office. . . .

I personally print web pages to PDF before I make a paper copy, since many sites do not print "properly" and there is a lot of pages "printed in the PDF file that does not contain usable information. At that point I only print to paper the pages that has the needed data/information and not waste paper.

Also, is there a benefit using LO over MSO for the reduction of paper? Or is it just the user's mindset not to print out everything, every document and its edits, every web page or news article, etc., etc..

On 03/17/2013 10:40 PM, anne-ology wrote:
        ... just wondering if LO might be more promotable if they joined
with this paperless idea  ;-)

    The Nitro Blog: We’re tossing paper this year—join


We’re tossing paper this year—join

Posted: 15 Mar 2013 07:00 AM PDT
*Announcing Nitro’s partnership with Paperless2013 *

In 2010, the average amount of paper waste generated by each person living
in the US was *334 pounds*.1

The average office worker uses *10,000 sheets of copy paper* each year.2

The “paperless office” has remained a fantasy for about 20 years.

It’s time to make it a reality and bring these numbers down!

That’s why we’re very excited to partner with the Paperless2013
a group of like-minded companies working to take the “paper” out of
paperwork. With our
digital documents, it’s a no-brainer.

Along with the other sponsors
<http://www.paperless2013.org/sponsors.php>of Paperless2013, like
Google Drive, Fujitsu, and Eventbrite, we can offer
our users a truly complete solution to help make their lives paperless. In
the coming months, we’ll be participating in some exciting promotions to
make this dream world a reality.

Take the pledge<http://www.paperless2013.org/>  to go paperless in 2013 by
subscribing to the coalition’s monthly newsletter with the latest tips &
tools, and by following us on Twitter<https://twitter.com/Paperless2013>and

1 American Forest & Paper Association

2 US Environmental Protection Agency

Related posts:

    1. Using Your Print Settings to Save
    2. PDF Annotation Tools: bridging the gap between paper and digital
    3. New Year, New Job: Make your resume pop with

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