Sorry about my previous post.  Hit the wrong button and sent it prematurely!

With Oracle Report Builder it does not seem to be possible to have a text
field overflow into the next line and push everything below that down a
line.  (I'm porting an application from an old Paradox system and this was
possible in Paradox reports.)  If I make the text box double height in
Report Builder, then the second line appears OK, but most of the records
don't need a second line and end up being double spaced.  Is there any work
around for this?

What I have tried is to use a macro to check the length of each text string
and if it exceeds 40 characters then I create a second record to contain
the excess characters.
I've almost got it working as shown below -

  Date                                      Details
                              Reference        Amount
01/01/2013     Dick Smith - 3.5mm Plug &14.94, 25 CD
13636                49.92 Dr
                       Cases $9.98, Headphones $25.00
                    N.aN  Dr 

The problem is the N.aN in the amount column.  In the Table this field is
blank, but Report Builder displays it as N.aN which I understand means 'Not
a Number'.  I want it to be blank in the Report.  I've tried all sort of
possibilities in Conditional Print in the General Tab for that field, but
nothing seems to work.  Has anyone found a solution to this problem?

One final question - is there a better alternative to Oracle Report

I am running LibreOffice, Oracle Report Builder 1.2.1 and Windows
7 64 Bit


Noel Lodge

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