Hi All

Last week I posted a question to the Forum ...

/*Command to clean-up LO Base Database.*//
//I have been using OO/LO Base for some years but have now converted to running MySQL with an LO Base Front End - Which is far superior and to be recommended!! //
//I do however keep an old copy of the embedded Base file going and I notice it has become very slow. // //I know there is an SQL Command you can close it with to clean it up for this and I used to use this. //
//I thought I had made a note of this but can now not find it!! //
//Can anyone give me that Command please?? /

I never saw it come up on the Forum but I did get one reply directly to my eMail from Reizinger Zoltan
(Thanks for that!!).

He suggested I use "SHUTDOWN SCRIP". This reminds me that the Command I want DID start with "SHUTDOWN" but I'm sure the word/command after it was different.

I hope this posting gets through to the Forum and that somebody can jog my memory for what I'm looking for!!

Thanks a lot

Pretoria RSA

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