Thank you Johnny Rosenberg for pointing out how I can download the stable version rather than version 4. Not sure how I missed that.

On 05/01/2013 08:40 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
I was editing my book on OpenOffice macros using LO yesterday..... I am updating the section on Dialogs. While attempting to make simple updates to a dialog (change name, update properties, add button, change button properties), LO crashed. This occurred four times in a row, so I started the process of opening a bug report following a documented step by step plan, and then LO did not crash.

I will acknowledge that editing OOME_30.odt is a bit of a stress on the product but surely I cannot be the only one... Anyone else see problems in this area?

Note that I then fired up Apache's version for my editing and have not had a problem there. I did not try stepping back to a 3.x version of LO because I don't have the install files sitting around and it is not immediately available that I see from the site.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:

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