When I highlight the drawing the text object menu disappears and is replaced by the drawing object menu. When I click View > Tool Bars > Text object, the text object tool bar does come back, but all of its buttons are ghosted.

When I right-click the drawing the Alignment menu has one item in it that says "<No selection possible>" and the Arrange menu only has Bring to front, Bring forward, Send backwards, Send to back, and To background.

I am using LO and the drawings are pasted in from LO Draw and Impress.

BTW, pasting drawings into Writer is the correct way to get them from Draw to Writer isn't it?



left-right-center buttons disappear and are replaced by a bunch of buttons

On 5/12/2013 12:37 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I use the left-right-centred buttons same as for text

Recently i found the right-click "Arrange" and "Align" that give more options.
Regard from
Tom :)

From: William Drago <wdr...@suffolk.lib.ny.us>
To: LibreOffice List <users@global.libreoffice.org>
Sent: Sunday, 12 May 2013, 17:27
Subject: [libreoffice-users] How to center a pasted drawing?


When I paste a drawing into writer there are no options for
centering it left-right on the page. Surely there must be a
better way to do this than dragging it around until it looks
centered. Can anyone tell me how?


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