At 11:32 13/06/2013 +0100, David Lynch wrote:
 On 12/06/2013 22:44, Steve Edmonds wrote:
I want to enter {=MMULT(MINVERSE(A14:R31),S14:S31)} in a cell and to display this as the text "{=MMULT(MINVERSE(A14:R31),S14:S31)}" (without the "" quotes). Formatting the cell as text doesn't help.

If you put {=MMULT(MINVERSE(A14:R31),S14:S31)} in, say, A1. A2 with =FORMULA(A1), will display {=MMULT(MINVERSE(A14:R31),S14:S31)} in A2.

If you put that text into A1, I don't think that is true. The text itself is not a formula, so the result of the FORMULA() reference is #N/A. But yes: if you enter that into A1 *as an array formula* (without typing the braces and using Ctrl+Shift+Enter), that is indeed what happens. Then you have to remember, when you edit what is in A1 (as the questioner required), to use Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of simple Enter each time to confirm the edit.

Brian Barker

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