Good morning
(2013/07/03 22:42), Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
> It would seem that crashes like these are inevitable. However, the
> results may not need be.
> Is it possible to force a system check during loading of files above
> default that causes the error to generate a message "Running out of
> memory, Document will stop loading:
> Press this button to re-allocate your current memory setup under Tools
> - Options - Memory"?
> Thanks in advance

I am afraid, I do not understand what "force a system check during
loading of files" means / or how that is done.
All I get is a screen reading:
"Due to an unexpected error LO crashed. All files ... saved. ... and
recorvery automatically at the next start" (somewhat abbreviated)
Then -> click "SAVE"
"Start recovery?" -> click "recover"
after a while: "Finished"
click that and the file opens again

There are no other choices I have or operations I can do.

I also tried to save the file under a different name in a different
location: no effect
Deleted an index at the end of the file (just a thought): no effect
As Mr. Davis suggested: "turn off automatic backup" -> this has been off
"Save AutoRecovery information every" is set at 15 minutes
LO DOES save the file in regular intervals, but I cannot find where to
change that.

I also tried the switching to web layout with small files containing
only text like Mr. Davis did
and in this case (at least not during the short test period) LO did NOT
Is there a setting, where I can choose whether images are displayed or not?

Maybe its really time for that "bug report" - if I manage to figure out
how that is done.


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