Anne, glad you're back but seriously?

HSQLDB  is the short title and Web address for HyperSQL, the Java language 
based SQL relational database that StarOffice then Sun chose as the imbedded 
database for the project.

Currently we include the 1.8 release, and efforts will either see that ripped 
out of LibreOffice to be replaced, or the version of HSQLDB will be upgraded to 
a current 2.3 release.

Mark, et al., all the details you could ever want  are on the project webpage 
at, just mind the version differences.


From: Tom Davies []
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:15 AM
To: anne-ology; Mark LaPierre
Cc: Mail List LibreOffice
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] HSLQLDB syntax

Hi :)
My guess is that he meant

H Sql Db

SQL = the standard language used by most database programs.  Most add a little 
bit (few extra commands and stuff) to the basic language to help ensure that 
people can't easily switch to another program even though they all ostensibly 
use Sql.

Db = Database

H is the only bit that distinguishes exactly which program is being talked 

Note that other programs also use Sql or Db in their name.  For example 
MySql/MariaDb, Postgresql.  Only Access doesn't have any of that in it's name.  
Of course MS make many claims that Access does use Sql but it's such a heavily 
tweaked version of Sql that it's almost unrecognisable.  If you learn Access 
then you need to forget&re-learn if you want to switch to anything else.  The 
others tend to just have a few differences so it's not so tough to move between 
them.  At least, so i have heard.

Regards from
Tom :)

> From: anne-ology <>
>To: Mark LaPierre <>
>Cc: Mail List LibreOffice <>
>Sent: Monday, 15 July 2013, 16:38
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] HSLQLDB syntax
>       And just what is HSLQLDB  ;-)
>       oh, memorizing acronyms seems to me a mighty complicated way to
>organize one's thoughts ...
>                wouldn't it be simpler - easier - to just state the
>object(s) rather than leaving the listener trying to interpret what's being
>meant by what's being said  ;-)
>      see -
>       AND - did you happen to notice in that URL, this phenomenon only
>started in 1943 ;-)
>                before then communication was simply speaking to be
>understood  ;-)
>       BTW - many of these acronyms are duplicated - which causes even more
>confusion to the listener  ;-)
>On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Mark LaPierre <> wrote:
>> On 07/13/2013 05:36 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
>> > HSLQLDB is a bit picky about the syntax
>> Does anyone know where I can find a good reference on HSLQLDB syntax?

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