I merely meant going through the various tabs-menu  ;-)
           [insert tab -> scrolling down to whichever option desired ->
'browsing' to that item on the computer -> choosing that item -> LO places
it into the document ... ... ... ]

From: vi5u0 <vi5u0-libreoff...@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 4:49 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Some content in ODP slide appears only in
slide show view of Impress, not in normal view or PDF output
To: users@global.libreoffice.org

Tom wrote

> Hi :)
> Sorry you haven't received many replies to this yet!  You could upload the
> files to Nabble so that people can see them and see the problem.  It's not
> as tough as it sounds!
> Just use the links in this email or navigate to the right thread through
> the official site
> "Get help" - Nabble - then look for the same subject-line that you wrote
> Start posting a reply and notice that above where you are typing-in there
> are some buttons such as "More".  The "More" one has "Upload a file" as
> it's top option.  Then it's just the same as adding an attachment to an
> email.  It has the same sort of "browse" thing.  Once done all you see is
> a line of html code added into your reply.  You can move that link around
> to position it better if you want.
> Btw have you tried upgrading to 4.0.something?  Have you had time to try
> the 3.6.7 that has just been released?


Thanks Tom.  This is my attempt at a Nabble upload of the file.  As I said,
it looks as it should in the [F5] slide show view, but some content is
missing in the Normal view and in exported PDF.

I'll look into 4.0.x.

Anne - please can you expand on what you mean by "the proper LO way"?


Kind regards,


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