On 27/07/13 15:36, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:
As a "first installment"...
- What goes wrong? Clicking on any of the icons for the various parts of LO doesn't cause anything to come up. Also, there is no "LibreOffice" icon for
  the complete package, only icons for the various parts...
- Yes, I DID delete LO befor trying to install 4.1 (apt-get purge libreoffice*)
- I know the aspect of the "desktop-integration" subdirectory existing in
prior versions. What do you mean be "seamless ... installation routine"? I ran dpkg -i *deb in all of the three DEBS-directories in the correct sequence (but obviously no dpkg -i *deb within a desktop-integration subdirectory because it does not exist in LO 4.1). Is there anything in addition that I have to do?
- How do I check the "menu edit" options?
I have reverted back to 3.6.7 now, may uninstall that version completely and try to install 4.1. But - honestly - it is MUCH to hot here at the moment to
do so and not to prefer going for a glass of beer... (smiley!)

On Sat, 27 Jul 2013 14:21:44 +0200, sun shine <phaedr...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 27/07/13 11:10, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:
Not the rpm- but the deb-Version (32bit) on Debian-Wheezy-KDE 4.10.


Hello Heinrich

Seems like you have been experiencing difficulty with this version for
quite some time, IIRC?

However, despite your frustration, can you say more precisely is not

Just to review typical sticking points however, although I'm sure you've
gone through these already:

1. Have you deleted your current LibO installation before installing
4.1? If you haven't, this can be done via the synaptic GUI, filtering
installed packages, and selecting appropriate files for complete removal
and then applying.

2. Did you run the latest release candidate, because the new release
build has a seamless desktop-integration installation routine, whereas
previous attempts to install always gave install errors. So if you're
not using the latest, then you may stand a better chance of success.

3. Have you checked your menu edit options? The updater may not have
caught the version changes and therefore did not automatically update
the menu with the correct launchers. You might want to double check that.

4. I found that invoking soffice didn't seem to work, but using this
did: /usr/bin/X11/libreoffice4.1 %u This just may be a local quirk though.

Anyway, please expand on what is not working, and give the email a
meaningful subject line so those who are knowledgeable about the system
are more likely to see your request for help.

Good luck


Just taking a rough stab at this ...

I think that the way in which you are removing previous installations may be causing a problem. Just as a double check, open up the synaptic package manager GUI and go to "All". In the search box type "libreoffice" (no quotes) and it should filter out all non-LibO files. At the top of the index, click on the installed version to sort and then right click on the little green boxes that show the version installed. For each one that is a LibO file with any suffix (e.g. 3.* or 4.*) select mark for complete removal on the context menu. Then hit apply after approving the summary. Then close.

Then go back to your extracted folders and do the cd and the sudo dpkg -i *.deb routines as normal.

My experience after following those steps was that LibO4.1 installed, that I didn't have to take the additional step of cd to desktop-integration. Then I edited the panel to have the new launcher and was done.

By edit the menus I meant just that. Try under preferences or appearances or even just menu edit. Not using KDE I don't have a clue, sorry. But it will have the functionality. Then you just ensure that the proper menu icons are loaded/ enabled by ticking a selection box or something similar.

If, after installing 4.1 the icons still don't trigger the LibO suite, then try /usr/bin/X11/libreoffice4.1 at the terminal and see if anything happens.

A glass of beer sounds nice about now :-)

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