Le 29/07/13 10:00, Heinrich Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi Heinrich,

> Using the German UI, I don't have a "Tools" menu item. I suspect it is
> called
> "Extras" in my version. Clicking on "SQL" under THAT menu I can enter the
> SQL statement alright. As mentioned before, this statement is

Yes, that's right, sorry, I don't switch my UI to German very often.

> insert into anwesenheit
>  (select 999,a2.persNr,anwesend,statAnw,abwGrund,a2.mitfahrer,bemerkung
>   from anwesenheit a2
>   where a2.veranstNr = 796);
> (also tried without the ";")
> On execution I still get back the same error!

Unfortunately, not all statements that you can run from the command line
in MySQL's SQL dialect will work, even via the Tools/Extras - SQL menu

You should try and make your SQL statement more standards SQL compliant,
the baseline for LO being ANSI SQL 1999, I think (but don't quote me on it).

Ultimately, you will probably have to try and reformulate your statement
in a way that LO understands, however, this may, or may not actually be
possible, at least not in the way in you want.

> As a long-time systems "nurd" I myself don't mind entering the statement
> from a mysql-client command-line. It is just that handing the
> administration
> of the database over to "normal" people, I cannot expect them to use a text
> editor to define the query that way and then run it through the mysql
> client.

Agreed, but I'm afraid that LO still lacks the desired feature set for that.

> SQL queries should be able to cover statements as the one above. I use it
> to keep a table up-to-date which shows the presence of musicians in my band
> at practices every week or concerts...
> phpMyAdmin isn't really an alternative either...

Agreed. Currently, the best way to achieve what you are looking for, if
a SQL INSERT SELECT statement is not accepted, is to use Basic, or
another programming language that interfaces with LO to produce what you
want and the use form elements to associate that with the execution of
the script.


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