Hi Tom

I spent quite a bit of time on the official IT Web site and could find no reference to the article you mention. I would consider this as spam. Not use which email app you use but if it's Thunderbird, you can hover you mouse over any links supplied in the email to see where they actually return to, look at the bottom left of Thunderbird. If it does not show http://www.itworld.com...... I would then become very suspicious.

Also you can expand the headers to see further where this mail originated, and where it "phones home" i.e. return to server/s by going to your compact header (divider between mail pane and message pane), click on far right hand gear cog icon "Other actions - headers - all" and scroll down in this more revealing bar to see what is hidden by default.

Remember to return your headers to "normal" otherwise every subsequent email will be sent out with all headers exposed in the email, generally loking like garbage.


Andrew Brown

On 30/07/2013 10:39 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I have just had an email that looks like spam.  It's allegedly a survey being 
done by IT World.  So, if it is not spam then it is going to be used in some 
article to say things like 99% of people prefer something bloated and old and 
only 1% like something shiny and new.  I thought we did a good job with the 
About.Com survey.  We had just enough people to make it clear that LibreOffice 
does have a bigger fan-base than other competitors without going completely 
overboard with it.

So, any suggestions on finding out if this survey is legit or spam would be 
Regards from

Tom :)

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