On Fri, 2013-08-09 at 07:25 +1000, Tim Lloyd wrote:
> Hi, Probably not the solution you were hunting for but I create a PDF 
> and search for the offending text. It gets the job done in a roundabout 
> sort of way

Sadly, this is my method as well.  It is especially irritating when
using Master Documents [which link many docuemnts].  The documents *CAN*
reference each other but only that only works from the Master Document,
so refreshing the master document and generating a PDF and searching for
the text is [so far] the simplest way I have found.

Cross reference and Master Documents are the killer feature of
LibreOffice, but this is one corner where it falls down [why can't a
document 'know' in it's meta-data that it is part of a master document,
dunno, that would probably be a big deal, but it would certainly be a
boon for this feature-set].

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