An interesting observation Virgil.

When I went to school, mind you it was several lifetimes ago and in the 
backwoods of the Australian outback so it may not be too relevant to anywhere 
else on the planet but, I was told to always leave a double space at the end of 
every sentence. That was with hand writing, before typewriters were invented, 
at least there were none within several hundred miles of where I grew up.
These days with modern word processors I just don't bother to even try and 
insert two spaces at the end of sentences but I suppose I should, it certainly 
looks nicer and may even be proper.
It would be nice if modern word processors at least provided the option of a 
setting to do this automatically. Perhaps it should be the default setting.

(please note no double spaces used in this text)

Cheers all, 

Bruce Carlson

-----Original Message-----
From: Virgil Arrington [] 
Sent: Friday, 16 August 2013 10:29 AM
To: James Knott; LibreOffice
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

I got my information from Robert Bringhurst's book "The Elements of Typographic 

I have noticed that older books from the 19th century had wider spacing after 
sentence ending punctuation. Newer books, say from the mid 20th century on, 
seem to have narrower spacing between sentences.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Knott
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:22 AM
To: LibreOffice
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

Virgil Arrington wrote:
> The typographic standard is to only use one space between sentences 
> with proportionally spaced fonts.

In the old hand set type (which I have worked with) there were different width 
spaces (en & em quads), depending on where they were used.
Typically, an en quad was used between words and an em quad between sentences.  
The names refer to the width of upper case N and M characters.  So, the space 
between words was as wide as an N and between sentences, an M.  There were also 
wider ones, such as double M and triple M.  Typesetting machines, such as the 
Linotype also had provision for different width spaces.

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