Good Morning All.

Some users have encountered problems or technical execution of the

Application: CALC

Operation: Function GETPIVOTDATA

Structure Function:
Field 1: Database area = By entering the data (also referred to as a name),
the function ignores them;
Field 2: Pivot Table reference = entering the data (also referred to as a
name), the function does not recognize the address;
Field 3: cell index = on the data, but the function does not give the
correct result.

Reason operation: Some data of the Data Base Pivot table source of origin
have changed

Structure of the worksheet and what happens:
Two Pivot Tables data is transferred on 2 different columns of a worksheet.
The function is not in any of the results from two columns of data
the response in the cells is # REF!

*I specify that it is important: the worksheet in question is the
accounting balance sheet of a company.*
*You've never seen an accountant who commits suicide from the tower? This
is a good occasion!*

Thanks for your attention, waiting for some user can verify the same

Ras Michele Perito Agrario
Salita S.Barnaba 24d/18 16136 Genova Ge
Tel./Fax.:  010 213059

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