Carl Paulsen wrote:
I'm trying to build an IF statement that tests if a condition exists in
two columns, and assigns the number 1 if it does, and 0 if not. The
columns being checked are vLookups which return #NA if an ID is not
found in another table.  I'm trying to search for cases where an ID# IS
returned in two columns meaning the record shows up in both tables.

I can't figure out the syntax for this.  I've tried
IF(AND(A1<>"#NA"; B1<>"#NA"),1,0)
on both the vlookup formula columns and on columns that are pasted
without formulas.  No luck yet.  Can someone chime in on this?

Many thanks in advance.

  =IF(AND(NOT(ISNA(A1)), NOT(ISNA(B1))),1,0)

Although the cell is displayed as "#N/A", it's not a text value but an error code indicating that a value is not available. ISNA() returns TRUE if a cell contains the #N/A error code, and FALSE otherwise.

Hope that helps.


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