Brian Barker wrote:
> At 18:14 03/10/2013 +0200, M Henri Day wrote:
>> Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols has published an interesting article,
>> *French police move from Windows to Ubuntu Linux* (
>> ), over at ZDNet. It deals explicitly with a migration from Windows
>> XP to a «customized version of Ubuntu Linux», but if, as I presume,
>> LO is included as the standard office suite, ...
> Perhaps not.
> (from 2009) says
>> The Gendarmerie began its transition to open source software in 2005
>> when it replaced Microsoft Office with across the
>> entire organization. It gradually adopted other open source software
>> applications, including Firefox and Thunderbird. After the launch of
>> Windows Vista in 2006, it decided to phase out Windows and
>> incrementally migrate to Ubuntu.

Either way, they're not using Microsoft Office.  They're using open
source software that's supported on multiple platforms and share common
standardized file formats.  This ends the MS lock in for them.

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