On 10/05/2013 07:35 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
> Urmas wrote:
>>> "Maciej Jaros"
>>> It's a window manager thing, not really AOO responsibility.
>> It is LOO responsibility to properly restore its window size. So that is a 
> bug.
> I don’t get it. I’m using LO with Windows 7. Every time I open LO, it opens 
> in the same window size and position it was in when I closed it the previous 
> session. If there’s a bug in this area, it certainly doesn’t show up on my 
> computer.
> Virgil

That is what it does on my Win7 Home and Professional editions, plus
Linux as well.

It is not a bug.  It may be that it took the position and size from your
last use and decided that was part of your preferences and placed into
your user profile. 

Well, think of it, if you have a larger, or smaller, monitor than others
and you need to have the pages at 130% to read them correctly [or 75%]
then it would be tedious to always have to resize your pages every time
you open LO.

I prefer it to be a little bit larger than the "default" size.  I open
it up on my large monitor and tend to have it full screen height, but a
little over half the screen's width.  I would hat to have to resize the
window every time I opened a LO document. 

I think it is just another way that LO tried to use your preferred
defaults, whether it is fonts, page size within the window, or the
window size. 

I really would miss this "ability" if it was taken from me.  It saves me
a whole lot of hassle every time I open a LO document.

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