Using LO under Linux.
I have just worked with Base Report Builder for a few hours and I must admit, it is *much* faster now than the last time I worked with it. Congrats to the devs for fixing the sloth bug(s).

However, I still see that lines still are not supported. It appears as if I am inserting horizontal lines in my report, but they do not print. I do not see any way to make them thicker, in case that is the problem.

Second, the Report Headers do not seem to work as I expected. The Report Footer section seems to be okay, but the Report Header section is under the Page Header on each page. I expected them to be reversed - the Report Header first, followed by the Page Header, the latter which goes on each page, the former goes on the first page only. As it is, the Page Header and Report Header are the same thing, going on each page. Is there a way to move the Report Header to page one only or is this a known bug?

The first is a human readability issue and the second would save paper, making room for more record data without my full headers on each page. Neither one is a show-stopper for me, just a would-be-nice if it were fixed.

Thanks again.
Girvin Herr

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