With all of the posts in all of the threads, it is not unusual that things
would get confusing. I only point out that I was not the source of the quote
in the following email. At this point, I don't know who wrote it.
-----Original Message-----
From: James Knott
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2013 9:44 PM
To: LibreOffice
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [pt-br-usuarios] Estudantes da rede
estadual de SP terão Office gratuito para até 5 PCs após parceria
Virgil Arrington wrote:
StarOffice users are Linux users? . . . .
I have never seen StarOffice available for Linux. StarOffice was a MS
OS package not a Linux package, when it first came out, so StarOffice
"audience" was a Windows "audience" and not Linux. Actually OOo, AOO,
and LO may have its roots in StarOffice, but they are not StarOffice by
any means.
StarOffice was not from MS. It was originally written for CP/M on the
Z80, by a guy who started StarDivision. I first came across it on
OS/2. StarDivision was bought by Sun, who kept StarOffice as the
commercial version of the open source OpenOffice. LibreOffice was
created from OpenOffice, when Oracle, after buying Sun, couldn't decide
what to do with StarOffice and OpenOffice.
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