
I have a document with many examples and illustrations.  These are
typically in frames.  I also place tables in frames.

But frames seem to 'flow' *very* poorly.  They may often even end up
overlapping each other and then their placement must be manually
tweaked.  This is very frustrating in a 500+ page document.

Frames seem to wrap with *only* the body text of the document and do
nothing to avoid colliding with each other.

Is there some option I am not setting or some style/technique to get
frames to try to fit naturally into the flow of the text.  Anchor to
paragraph is my typical method; but it seems I really need an
anchor-to-paragraph-getting-as-close-as-you-can option without either
crashing into other frames or leaving a blank inch and a half on the
previous page.

Adam Tauno Williams <>

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