At 20:21 07/11/2013 -0500, Bill Gassner wrote:
I have a LibreOffice Cal[c] sheet with rows 1-34 with text. Rows 35-40 with titles above 7 columns. Rows 41-100 is entries. I would like to modify document so that rows 35-40 stay fixed when I scroll down to say column 100. This way the titles of the seven columns would always be visible. What formula would I use and where would I put that?

Formulae are used for calculations; you don't use a formula for display functions such as this.

o Scroll down in the document until row 35 is the top row visible.
o Click in the row headers at the left to select row 41 - the one *below* the rows you wish to freeze. Alternatively, you can just click in cell A41 (but not in any of the other cells in row 41).
o Go to Window | Freeze.

When you need to get back to viewing the first 34 rows, go to Window | Freeze again.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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