Don't worry, you can safely ignore Urmas, he's a known troll around these parts; his bias is strongly (and probably paid for by) MS.
On Sun, 10 Nov 2013 02:33:04 +0700 "Urmas" <> wrote: > "M. Fioretti": > > ...shall-we-waste-twelve-more-years-promoting-free-office-suites-instead-of-open-office-formats/ > > There's no such thing as 'open format'. Any format can only slavishly > describe its reference implementation. There is no reference > implementation for ODF, except a monstrous ***Office, which was > mostly written in German in early 90's. So if you say 'format', you > say 'implementation'. > > Moreover, is the document is 'formatted with spaces', it is so > trivial in any format, so interoperability is not the problem. > > P.S. Why do people like to state that ODF with magically solve the > problem with space/CR positioning or hard linebreaks? > > > -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted