On Sat, Nov 09, 2013 14:06:44 PM -0800, Pedro wrote:
> Two points: 
> 1) LibreOffice only started embedding fonts in ODF files in version 4.1
> (released in July 2013); MS Office files have had this ability for YEARS. In
> my opinion ODF files are NOW starting to be useful as an editable file
> exchange format.

Fair point. I would really put "ignoring which fonts are portable" in
the "over-engineered documents" category of my post, but you are right
that if embedded fonts are a must, ODF isn't ready.

> 2) Advocating ignoring MS files only makes sense on a personal
> basis. Por companies that is absurd.

that's why in the 2001 thread and in many other things I wrote since
then I said that the way to practice that advice was to put pressure
on public administrations to make them only accept/release in those

> Maybe academia could start that movement but it will take time
> before it reaches the companies...

maybe people should start that movement. Start to complain, even if
you know that it won't accomplish anything immediately, whenever you
are asked or given a .docx file. Otherwise we'll still be here in 2025
to hear from people that receive such files, and the only solution is
to give up using LO.


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