hi. I don't know this extension, i just think it deserves some atenction. a few 
days ago i was reading in a linux mailing list of somebody needing a latex 
output (to write for magazines an international reviews) but looking for 
features available in libreoffice (mainly word and carachters count). so i 
think the idea of latex deserves some attenction....

On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 12:09 AM, Patrick Dupre <pdu...@gmx.com> wrote:

Could you please answer to my post?


> Hello,
> On a fedora 19 machine (Build ID:, when I try to use the 
> ooolatex equation
> tool, I get an error message (it works fine with fedora 18)
> Is OOolatex not anymore maintained?
> Thank.
> ' 
> '    OOoLatexTools
> '
> '    Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Geoffroy Piroux (gpir...@gmail.com)
> '
> '    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> '    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> '    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
> '    (at your option) any later version.
> '
> '    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> '    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> '    GNU General Public License for more details.
> '
> '    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> '    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> '    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  
> '
> '
> '
> ' Import graphic from URL into the clipboard.
> ' Inspired from OOoForums Danny's code 
> Sub ImportGraphicIntoClipboard(cURL)
>  oDispatcher = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper" )
>  ' Import the graphic from URL into a new draw document.
>  Dim arg1(0) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
>  arg1(0).Name = "Hidden"
>  arg1(0).Value = true
>  oDrawDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( cURL, "_blank", 0, arg1() )
>  oDrawDocCtrl = oDrawDoc.getCurrentController()
>  ' Get the shape...
>  oDrawPage = oDrawDoc.DrawPages(0)
>     oImportShape = oDrawPage(0)
>  ' Get the dimension of the image...
>  oShapeSize = oImportShape.Size()
>  ' Strange bug with the eps and emf format... correction of the size
>  if sFormat = "eps" then oShapeSize.Width = oShapeSize.Width * 0.99
>  if sFormat = "eps" then oShapeSize.Height = oShapeSize.Height * 0.91
>  if sFormat = "emf" then oShapeSize.Width = oShapeSize.Width * 1.13
>  if sFormat = "emf" then oShapeSize.Height = oShapeSize.Height * 1.1
>  ' Copy the image to clipboard and close the draw document
>  oDrawDocCtrl.select(oImportShape)
>  Dim Array()
>  oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oDrawDocCtrl.Frame, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, Array() 
> )
>  oDrawDoc.dispose()
> End Sub
> '###########################################################
> Function ReadAttributes( oShape As Object ) As String
> On Error Goto ErrorHandler
>     oAttributes = oShape.UserDefinedAttributes()
>     ReadAttributes = oAttributes.getByName("OOoLatexArgs").Value
>     exit function
> ErrorHandler:
>  ReadAttributes = ""
> End Function
> '###########################################################
> Sub SetAttributes( oShape, iEqSize, sEqType, sCode)
> 'On Error Goto ErrorHandler
> ' ' Remove the attribute is one existes...
> ' oAttributes = oShape.UserDefinedAttributes()
> ' oAttributes.removeByName("OOoLatexArgs")
> ' oShape.UserDefinedAttributes() = oAttributes
> 'ErrorHandler: 
>  ' Add the Latex attribute to the image.
>  oAttributes = oShape.UserDefinedAttributes
>     oLatexAttribute = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.xml.AttributeData" )
>    oLatexAttribute.Type = "CDATA"       
>     oLatexAttribute.Value = iEqSize & "§" & sEqType & "§" & sCode
>     oAttributes.insertByName("OOoLatexArgs", oLatexAttribute )
>  oShape.UserDefinedAttributes = oAttributes
> End sub
> '###########################################################
> ' Get the bounding box information for inline equation
> ' The base line in not necessary at the bottom of the image.
> Function bbox(BaseLine as Double) as Double
>  Dim sbbox() as String
>  Dim bby1,bby2 as Double
>  iNumber = Freefile
>  sLines = ""
>  Open sTmpPath & "tmpfile.bbx" For Input As iNumber
>  Line Input #iNumber, sLine
>  If sLine <> "" then sbbox() = Split(sLine," ")
>  Close #iNumber
>  bby1 = CDbl(sbbox(1))
>  bby2 = CDbl(sbbox(3))
>  bbox = (bby2-BaseLine)/(bby2-bby1)
> End Function
> '###########################################################
> ' Get the cropping information from bbox 
> Function getCropping()
>  Dim sbbox() as String
>  Dim bbx1,bbx2,hbbx1,hbbx2 as Double
>  iNumber = Freefile
>  Open sTmpPath & "tmpfile.bbx" For Input As iNumber
>  Line Input #iNumber, sLine
>  If sLine <> "" then sbbox() = Split(sLine," ") 
>  Close #iNumber
>  bbx1 = CDbl(sbbox(0))
>  bbx2 = CDbl(sbbox(2))
>  hbbx1 = CDbl2(sbbox(4)) - 0.5 'remove 1/2 point to the left
>  hbbx2 = CDbl2(sbbox(6)) + 0.75 'add 3/4 point to the right
>  oCrop = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.text.GraphicCrop" )
>     oCrop.Left = (hbbx1-bbx1)/(bbx2-bbx1) * oShapeSize.Width
>     oCrop.Right = (bbx2-hbbx2)/(bbx2-bbx1) * oShapeSize.Width
>  getCropping = oCrop
> End Function
> '###########################################################
> 'to avoid problem with point or virgule : (x)xx.xx or (x)xx,xx
> Function CDbl2( s as string) as double
>  if Mid(s,3,1) = "." then i=3 
>  if Mid(s,4,1) = "." then i=4
>  CDbl2 = CDbl(Mid(s,1,i-1)+Mid(s,i+1,2))/100
> end function
> '###########################################################
> ' Display file on screen from temp directory 
> Sub PrintFile(sFile as String)
>  if not FileExists(sTmpPath & sFile) then
>  Msgbox "Error : the file " & TmpPath & sFile & " doesn't exist..."
>  exit sub
>  end if
>  iNumber = Freefile
>  Open sTmpPath & sFile For Input As iNumber
>  While not eof(iNumber)
>    Line Input #iNumber, sLine
>  sMsg = sMsg & sLine & chr(10)
>  wend
>  Close #iNumber
>  Msgbox  sMsg
> End sub
> '###########################################################
> ' Convert decimal into two digits hexadecimal number as String
> Function Hex2( Value as Integer) as String
>  if Value = 0 then 
>  Hex2="00" 
>  Exit Function
>  end if
>  Hex2 = Hex( Value )
>  if Len( Hex2 ) = 1 then Hex2 = "0"& Hex2
> End Function
> '###########################################################
> ' This macro is used when buttons Apply or Save are pushed from 
> ' Config or from preamble dialog... 
> sub FinishApply()
>  if SettingEmbed = 1 then 
>  SettingDoc( "Save" )
>  SystemLog = "New settings applied and embedded into document ... "
>  else
>  SystemLog = "New settings applied ... "
>  end if
> end sub
> '###########################################################
> ' Add a slash if necessary
> Function CheckPath( sPath as String) as String
>  If Right(sPath,1) = "/" then 
>  CheckPath = sPath
>  else
>  CheckPath = sPath & "/"
>  end if
> end Function
> '###########################################################
> ' Check the existance of the file...
> Function CheckFile( sUrl as String, ErrorMsg as String) As Boolean
>  ' Test the existance of the OOoLatex script ...
>  if FileExists(sUrl) then
>  CheckFile = False
>  else
>  if ErrorMsg = "OOoLatex" then _
>  ErrorMsg = "Cannot find " & sUrl & chr(10) & "Check your installation..." 
>  Msgbox ErrorMsg
>  CheckFile = True
>  end if 
> End Function
> '###########################################################
> ' Return true if string "s" doesn't contains "c" 
> Function StringNotContains( s as String, c as String ) as Boolean
>  StringNotContains = true
>  If (Len(s) <> 0) then
>  For j = 1 to Len(s)
>  if Mid(s,j,1) = c then 
>  StringNotContains = false
>  Exit For
>  End if
>  Next
>  end if
> End Function 
> '###########################################################
> ' Function to manipulate information from "Doc Properties".
> ' There is two actions : 
> ' "Get" : return the preamble or the configuration as string
> ' "Delete" : return the "doc info" without preamble or configuration 
> Function DocInfo( sAction as String, sWhat as String) as String
>  DocInfo = ""
>  oDocInfo = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent.getDocumentInfo()
>  sDocDesc =  oDocInfo.Description
>  if sWhat = "DocInfo" then 
>  DocInfo = sDocDesc
>  Exit Function
>  end if 
>  ' Exit If only one line exit !
>  If StringNotContains(sDocDesc,chr(10)) then exit Function
>     if sWhat = "Preamble" then sStart = "%%% OOoLatex Preamble %%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
>     if sWhat = "Preamble" then sEnd = "%%% End OOoLatex Preamble %%%%%%%%%%%%"
>     if sWhat = "Config" then sStart = "%%% OOoLatex Configuration 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%"
>     if sWhat = "Config" then sEnd = "%%% End OOoLatex Configuration 
> %%%%%%%%%%"
>  SplitDocDesc() = Split(sDocDesc,chr(10))
>  ii = 0
>  startLine = -1
>  endLine = -1
>  For i = 0 to 1024
>  If SplitDocDesc(i) = sStart then
>  startLine = i
>  elseif SplitDocDesc(i) = sEnd then
>  endLine = i
>  end if
>  ii = ii + 1 + Len(SplitDocDesc(i))
>  If Len(sDocDesc) < ii  then Exit For
>  Next
>  lastLine = i
> 'Print sWhat & " " & sAction & ", startLine = " & startLine & ",  endLine = " 
> & endLine & ", LastLine = " & lastLine 
>  If (startLine <> -1) and (endLine <> -1) and (endLine > startLine) then
>  if sAction = "Get" then
>  For i = startLine +1 to endLine - 1 
>  DocInfo = DocInfo & chr(10) & SplitDocDesc(i)
>  Next
>  elseif sAction = "Delete" then
>  For i = 0 to startLine - 1
>  DocInfo = DocInfo & chr(10) & SplitDocDesc(i)
>  Next
>  For i = endLine + 1 to LastLine
>  DocInfo = DocInfo & chr(10) & SplitDocDesc(i)
>  Next
>  end if
>  elseif  (startLine = 0) and (endLine = 0) and sAction = "Delete" then
>  DocInfo = sDocDesc
>  end if
>  If sWhat = "Preamble" and Mid(DocInfo,1,1) = chr(10) then DocInfo = 
> Mid(DocInfo,2,Len(DocInfo))
> End Function
> '*** Get access to the repository !
> Function GetConfigAccess(ByVal cNodePath As String,_
>  ByVal bWriteAccess As Boolean,_
>  Optional bEnableSync,_
>  Optional bLazyWrite ) As Object
>  If IsMissing( bEnableSync ) Then bEnableSync = True
>  If IsMissing( bLazyWrite )  Then bLazyWrite = False
>  oConfigProvider = GetProcessServiceManager().createInstanceWithArguments(_
>  "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider",_
>  Array( MakePropertyValue( "enableasync", bEnableSync ) ) )
>  If bWriteAccess Then
>  cServiceName = "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess"
>  Else
>  cServiceName = "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess"
>  EndIf
>  oConfigAccess = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(_
>  cServiceName,_
>        Array(  MakePropertyValue( "nodepath",  cNodePath  ),_
>  MakePropertyValue( "lazywrite", bLazyWrite ) ) )
>  GetConfigAccess = oConfigAccess
> End Function
> Function MakePropertyValue( Optional cName As String, Optional uValue ) As 
> com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
>  oPropertyValue = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" )
>  If Not IsMissing( cName )  Then oPropertyValue.Name  = cName
>  If Not IsMissing( uValue ) Then oPropertyValue.Value = uValue
>  MakePropertyValue() = oPropertyValue
> End Function
> '*** Generate path for MinSYS as "/C/path_to_file/"
> Function WinPath(sPath as String) as String
>  sPath = ConvertToURL(sPath)
>  WinPath = "/" & mid(sPath,9,1) & join(split(mid(sPath,11),"%20")," ")
> End function
> ===========================================================================
>  Patrick DUPRÉ                                 | | email: pdu...@gmx.com
>  Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
>  Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale           | |
>  Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12                   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
>  189A, avenue Maurice Schumann                 | | 59140 Dunkerque, France
> ===========================================================================
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Patrick DUPRÉ                                 | | email: pdu...@gmx.com
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale           | |
Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12                   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
189A, avenue Maurice Schumann                 | | 59140 Dunkerque, France

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