It's been my experience that bugs tickled only by one person are very difficult to replicate without a highly detailed explanation of every keystroke and mouse movement and sometimes even the exact data being used. The best way to figure out what's going on is for someone with the necessary skills to examine the computer with the problem.

As an example I was using an application (sflphone) that kept crashing on ubuntu. The developer was unable to replicate the problem. I granted him an account and he was kind enough to login and poke around. In a short time he had determined that there was a problem with the system libraries and his program was tickling a bug in DBUS. I couldn't tell you why he was unable to replicate it on his own machine, but he changed his code so that it wouldn't tickle the bug and reported the bug to the DBUS team who also provided a fix. I would never have been able to find this on my own, and it's unlikely he would have been able to find it on his own without my "help".

Sometimes it takes the cooperation of several parties to further the cause.

In my opinion any crashes should be investigated with this level of detail. A skilled developer can typically find the problem within minutes just by making that little bit of extra effort. Every time something "doesn't work" users are often alienated and some other software (usually written by MS) wins another small victory. But again, this is just my opinion.

On 11/25/2013 03:50 PM, Pedro wrote:
Hi Toppa

Toppa-2 wrote
When I switch from View -> "Print layout" to "Web layout" and try to use
ANY key, like moving through the document (the stupid thing always jumps
to the top of the document and I HAVE to move!), it ALWAYS, as in 100%
of the cases, crashes LO. I tried this on three different computers with
all sorts of differenct settings, operations etc. The result is ALWAYS
the same.<<<
I can't replicate your problem. Switching from Print layout to Web layout
and back doesn't cause any crash. I'm using LibreOffice under
Windows XP Pro x86 SP3 en_US

If you want to return to the last edited position when you open the document
just follow this topic

Hope this helps.


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