On 12/17/2013 10:12 AM, Massimo Del Zotto wrote:
However, I recently had a problem with OOo password protection. Somehow it
disabled password protection for a file I was working on and it took me a
while to restore it. Asking for help on OOo forum, I have been informed
password protection is somehow considered "unnecessary" by... I don't know
who to be honest.

You mean recently?As in the latest version of LO has a problem with passwords?

The forum administrator strongly
suggested me to not use it, and even pointed out a few previous cases in
which password protection caused data loss (!!!).
Which forum, do you have a link to the post?

I think *this is unacceptable *so I started looking more seriously at LO.
Digging the mailing list archives, I noticed there are quite a few messages
regarding password protection. It seems most problem were between keyboard
and chair, the only exception being perhaps an inter-operability problem
after switching to AES-256.

In your experience, how is LO with password protection?
Massimo, you seem to be more informed of this than I, but, I am only aware of one (what I consider) real bug that existed with LO and passwords. At one point, I was no longer able to open a password protected file. Specifically, one version of LO was not able to open a password protected file. I am pretty sure it was LO and not AOO anyway.

I believe that I have seen things such as:

1. I forgot my password, how I open my document
2. I am not able to open a password protected document created by MS Office
3. Problems signing a document

I don't ever remember anyone saying that password protection should be dropped. Does not mean that it has not been said. I have seen people pushing to drop the ability to write non-ODF format, but I don't remember anyone advocating no support for passwords.

I have also seen reports of another bug that sometimes causes total data loss of a file, but, since it is not reproducible in any sort of meaningful way, the bug has not been researched.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

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