Querida Comunidade,

Os resultados do Conselho Diretor da TDF foram uma maravilhosa surpresa.

Eu gostaria de agradecer todos vocês que votaram em mim. Obrigada pela confiança. Eu farei o meu melhor pela Comunidade e pelo Projeto nessa nova e grande jornada.

Eu desejo a todos um ótimo, maravilhoso e abençoado Natal. Aproveitem esse momento com as pessoas que vocês amam.

Um forte abraço.

Eliane Domingos de Sousa
Comunidade LibreOffice Brasil

Resultados: http://blog.documentfoundation.org/2013/12/24/results-elections-tdf-board-of-directors/#comment-312699?

-------- Mensagem original --------
Assunto:        [tdf-members] Results Elections TDF Board of Directors
Data:   Tue, 24 Dec 2013 09:16:44 +0100
De:     Cor Nouws <cor.no...@documentfoundation.org>
Para: tdf-memb...@lists.documentfoundation.org, "board-disc...@documentfoundation.org" <board-disc...@documentfoundation.org>, Tdf Membership <tdf-members...@lists.documentfoundation.org>, annou...@documentfoundation.org

Dear members,

I hereby announce the final results of The Document Foundation's Board
of Directors elections 2013. With the challenging phase having ended
without any objection to the preliminary results, the following results
are now the final ones.

Elected as member are the candidates, in this order: Thorsten Behrens,
Eliane Domingos de Sousa, Michael Meeks, Fridrich Strba, Adam Fyne, Joel
Madero and Bjoern Michaelsen.
And as deputies: Andreas Mantke, Eike Rathke and Norbert Thiebaud.

I want to say thanks to _all_ those who ran for elections, also the
members that were not elected for the board this time, and
congratulations to those that were elected. By separate mail each one
elected, will be invited to accept the new role as Member (or Deputy) of
the Board of Directors.

As outlined in the initial announcement [1], the newly elected Board of
Directors will only be in charge from February 18, 2014 on. To help the
transition, the current Board of Directors will include them in the
decision making process.

On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Cor Nouws, Chairman


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