Hi :)
His OS is Linux Mint 16  (Debian family, just as Ubuntu is so they use
the same commands fwiw)  but i didn't think to ask about any of the
other things.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 26 December 2013 12:20, Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> Jerry Rémy schrieb:
>> Dear LibreOffice Team,
>> I would like to receive a liberating solution from the team related
>> to non-English languages. As I pasted an external source written in
>> French into Libre Office I get an unusual result:
>> Tu Útais en ╔den, le jardin de Dieu; Tu Útais couvert de toute espÞce
>> de pierres prÚcieuses, De sardoine, de topaze, de diamant, De
>> chrysolithe, d'onyx, de jaspe, De saphir, d'escarboucle, d'Úmeraude,
>> et d'or; Tes tambourins et tes fl¹tes Útaient Ó ton service, PrÚparÚs
>> pour le jour o¨ tu fus crÚÚ.
>> Original Text:
>> Tu étais en Éden, le jardin de Dieu; Tu étais couvert de toute espèce
>> de pierres précieuses, De sardoine, de topaze, de diamant, De
>> chrysolithe, d'onyx, de jaspe, De saphir, d'escarboucle, d'émeraude,
>> et d'or; Tes tambourins et tes flûtes étaient à ton service, Préparés
>> pour le jour où tu fus créé.
>> As you can see, every accented letter is replaced either with
>> capitalized letters or some other symbol. Please help! Thank you for
>> your prompt understanding and response to the matter at hand.
> This kind of errors are typical for a wrong encoding. Please tell us into
> which part of LibreOffice you try to paste the text. The ways to correct the
> encoding are different.
> Which operating system do you use? Which application has generated the text?
> Kind regards
> Regina
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