Thank you Paul and Brian
for your interesting answers and for your kindness to send them so soon. I have not checked them yet but I am sure that both of them give me what I was looking for. I see thepros and cons in Paul's method: by splitting the calculation in details you can follow both the process and the reliability of the result, but at cost of space. But, there is more fun in Brian's solution; I have always liked to create such complex formulas partly to be familiar with the spreadsheet program and it's functions but now a days mostly because it is very good exercise for an old man's brain --it is a challenge and then a good reason to award yourself with a drink when it finally works. I think I was quite near Brian's solution, but something went wrong, so I had to shout for help.

Paul's answer is interesting from another point of view also -- he changes the decimal sign from a comma to a period and replaces the periods replaced by commas to get the "correct" thousand separator. If you Google (e.g.) "decimal dot vs. comma" you will get a map that shows "How the world separates its decimals". We in Finland, like all European countries -- with the U.K. as the only exception -- use a comma as decimal sign.

Another page "Decimal and Thousand Separators" says: "Great Britain and the United States are two of the few places in the world that use a period to indicate the decimal place. Many other countries use a comma instead... Likewise, while the U.K. and U.S. use a comma to separate groups of thousands, many other countries use a period instead, and some countries separate thousands groups with a thin space." Personally I have never understood the need or benefits of any thousand separator -- I have never used it neither private, in technical planning nor in (international)business.
Thanks again and
best regards
Pertti Rönnberg

On 12.1.2014 19:22, Paul wrote:
I haven't so much tried to answer your question directly, instead I
attempted to solve the same problem you did. For me, this gives a
simpler answer. Given:

Col A: The initial bank value as text
Col B: =IF(RIGHT(A1,1)="-","Debit","Credit")
Col C: =LEN(A1)
Col D: =LEFT(A1,C1-1)
Col E: =FIND(",",D1)
Col F: =SUBSTITUTE(D1,".",",")
Col G: =REPLACE(F1,E1,1,".")
Col H: =VALUE(G1)
Col I: =IF(B1="Debit", 0-H1, H1)

Col A holds the initial value as given by your bank, as text.

Col B then looks at the last character of that value, and displays
either "Debit", if the character was a minus sign, or "Credit" for
anything else.

Col C gives the total length of the initial text value

Col D gives the initial value stripped of the last character, the plus
or minus sign.

Col E gives us the position of the comma, so that we can turn it into a
period later.

Col F gives us the stripped value (from col D) with the periods
replaced by commas, for correct thousand separators.

Col G gives us the value from col F with the final comma changed to a
period, for correct decimal separator. This text string should now be
correctly formatted for interpreting as a number.

Col H gives us the value from col G interpreted as a number.

Col I gives us the final value we want. This is derived from col
H, which has the initial value as a number, without the correct plus or
minus sign, and we use the value in col B to determine if we should use
the number as is, or subtract it from zero to get a negative number. I
formatted this column as currency.

I tested it with the following:

"11.200,33+" ==> "R 11,200.3"
"2.500.236,65-" ==> "R-2,500,236.65"
"11,25+" ==> "R 11.25"
"0,96-" ==> "R-0.96"

If I understand you correctly, this is exactly what you want. No need
to mess around with numbers under or over "9.999,99".

Of course, you can combine some of those formulas to use less extra
cells, but the more you combine stuff, the more complex it becomes, and
I don't know where you'd like to draw the line for complexity of
formulas vs complexity of page layout, so I leave that part up to you.

Hope this helps you out.


On Sun, 12 Jan 2014 17:55:17 +0200
Pertti Rönnberg <> wrote:

Happy New Year Dear LibO experts,

Since years back I have copied my bank's digital listing of my bank
account(s); first using MSOWord and later on MSOExcel.
My intension is to transform these listings so I can calculate with
the currency values in LibO-Calc.
The bank's table has four cols: colA=date, colB&colC= text and colD
is the currency as text.
Each listing consists of several hundreds of events (rows).

The problem is that the damn bank -- against all standards -- gives
the currency values with a dot (".") as thousand separator and "+" or
"-" chars (plus or minus) in the right end of each number (e.g.
"987,65+", "1.234,56-", "23.456,78+") -- which is against Calc's will.

By now I have managed to get LibO/Calc to accept all values less than
  > first dragged (copied) the table from MSWord => MSExcel;
  > MSExcel-file
saved in LibO/Calc as "ods"
  > in Calc => function TRIM(D5) to get rid of non-printable chars

  > formula (in E5) :
removes the separator/dot and the "+" sign and changes the value from
text to number
  > formula (in F5):
removes the separator/dot and the "-" sign and changes the value from
text to number

  > copy(dragged) down the 100-300 rows
  > Copy(cols E&F) => PasteSpecial to colG:H gives the desired list of
incomes and expences separated in their own cols as acceptable numbers

What formula/function gives the same result for the bank's currency
values bigger than 9.999,99?
e.g. "11.222,33+", "11.222.333,44-"
I have tried to define the "." using the Find() - but have had
trouble with it when nested in another function/formula (e.g. an IF()
function); the definition of it in Calc/Help is obviously at least
unclear if not wrong.
Cannot get the Fixed() -- when trying to eliminate the separator/dot
that way -- working in this 'project' either.

Any advice and help is greatly appreciated.
Best regards
Pertti Rönnberg
computer: PC, win7prof/64bit; LO4.0.4.2

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