At 04:36 16/01/2014 -0800, Leon Noname wrote:
I have a column of terms that I pasted from two text files. I have tried to remove duplicate terms from the list but have the continued problem of having some of the duplicated terms not removed. One example is the term "Adrenal hyperplasia" and the other duplicate is "adrenal hyperplasia". I have used the standard filter with the filter being "Col A = Not Empty" and have checked the buttons for "remove duplicates". I have left unchecked the button for "Case sensitive" assuming that that would allow for 'Adrenal' to be the same as 'adrenal'. However, that appears not to be working and I don't understand why. If anyone could help me understand what I am doing incorrectly, I would appreciate it.

This does not address your actual query, but a workaround might be to create a new column with =LOWER(An), =UPPER(An), or =PROPER(An). This will create copies of your text items where the examples you give would become identical. You could then filter based on that column instead of the originals. The extra column could be hidden or deleted later if you prefer. Indeed, you might be happiest using one of these forms of the converted data in place of the originals.

I trust this helps.


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