Printed it out

Will update it soon.

As I stated before, there may be duplicates.
I took several lists and converted them outside the main file and then added them.

Sometimes certain colors in a color sequence should be kept, even if it is a repeat. But I will look at each case.

On 01/19/2014 12:15 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Good bit of proof-reading there!  I can't believe how quickly this has
come together.  For years i have been wondering why the colour
selection was so pitiful.  I've been using quite a long work-around or
just putting up with it.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 19 January 2014 17:09, Luuk <> wrote:
On 19-01-2014 16:54, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

For those who have been looking at my "color postings", I have been
adding colors to the "standard.soc" file so there are many more defined
colors to choose from withing Writer, Calc, etc., for things like font
color and shading, or cell backgrounds.

I took the original file and added the LO branding colors, and decided
to go from there.
With the help from a fellow user, added some colors to that list from
some I had and some he had.
I added gray and 99 different shades of it - i.e. 1% to 99%.
At that point, I still wanted more.
I found colors like Gold, Silver, Bronze, Brass, etc. and added them in.

Then I added the colors from a set of color tables where they took one
color and kept lightening it up 6 times, for a total of 7 color blocks.
There were 7 colors per table making each one 77 colors. This added 462
colors to the color blocks you see.

So now, I have 2525 color blocks, if my count is correct.

For Ubuntu users, you have to look into the hidden dot folders to find
the "standard.soc" file.
where it is on other systems, I do not know.  I have not added it to my
Windows systems, yet, but will find the file later.

So here is the download file link.  It should work fine, but I am still
new at using the "ownCloud" system.

Total colors in that file       : 2525
Total unique colors in that file: 2366

The following colors are named more than two times:
(color #0000 is found 6 times,
color #000080 is found 4 times, etc)
       # color
       6 000000
       4 000080
       3 0066cc
       3 008080
       3 00cccc
       3 333333
       3 666666
       4 800080
       3 808000
       3 999999
       3 b3b3b3
       3 c0c0c0
       3 cccccc
       3 ff0000
       3 ff00ff
       3 ff4500
       4 ff9966
       5 ffff66
       3 ffffff

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