Thank you libreoffice users. Seems I got *the* advice to solve the problem ;-)

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Subject: SOLVED: [libreoffice-users] Slow new paragraph
Date: Wednesday 22 January 2014, 15:32:17
From: heikki <>
To: Brian Barker <>

Thank you Brian, 

That solved it, though I do not know exactly what happened.

Deleting the table of contents did not help. Deleting most of the document 
helped. So, there could be something in the document.

I saved the whole document (after having deleted the table of contents) in 
ritch text format, quitted libreoffice, opened the rtf document saved it back 
to odt. Problem solved ;-)

The heading numbers disappeared in the process, which is OK for the moment. I 
am not interested to test, if they were the problem.

Background of the paragraphs disappeared. I checked the original file and all 
backgrounds were 'no fill' but still the text background was different from 
the margin.
In an earlier libreoffice version I played with the background colors. Maybe 
some obsolete formatting left 'hanging' somewhere.

On Wednesday 22 January 2014 13:24:58 you wrote:
> At 10:57 22/01/2014 +0100, you wrote:
> >When I press <enter> it takes five seconds before the cursor becomes
> >visible at the beginning of the next line. The processor seems to
> >work heavily during those five seconds. [...] There is table of contents.
> This doesn't answer your question directly, but you may be able to
> discover the source of the problem by progressively reducing your
> document.  First, does this happen with a new, short document - that
> is, is it a problem with your installation of LibreOffice and not
> with the specific document?  If not, take a *copy* of your actual
> document with which to experiment.  Delete the table of
> contents.  Does that improve things?  Now delete half of the
> text.  Does that help?  If so, experiment with the other half from
> the original copy; if not, continue to halve the reduced document
> until you see an improvement.  Using this "binary search", you may be
> able to find which pat of your document - if any - is creating the
> problem.  Then you might find a workaround.
> This is only a guess, but what do you have at Tools | Options... |
> Load/Save | General | Save | Save AutoRecovery information every ...
> Minutes?  I have "15".  Is yours so short that LibreOffice is working
> overtime to save information every time you make any change?
> As I say, I'm just guessing ...
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker - privately

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