Hello Noel,

I think the 'right' approach must be to 'patch' the height of the box
and, thereupon, the height of the detail section at the loading of each
record. I suspect there must be some way of accessing those attributes
which is  documented somewhere. I suppose the slightly more difficult
bit might be to find the right way to calculate how high the box should
be to accommodate the (in my case) concatenated text string.  


On Thu, 2014-01-23 at 18:34 +1100, Marion & Noel Lodge wrote:
> Hi Harvey,
> Originally I used Alex's method and made the height of the text box twice
> what I needed, to accommodate the overflow.  But this has the effect of the
> report lines being effectively double spaced, except for just a few long
> lines.  It also uses twice as much paper, if the report is printed.
> So I wrote a macro that creates a second record to accommodate the overflow
> text.  It is a bit tricky getting the second record to sort after the
> appropriate first record, but I have succeeded in getting it to work.
> I haven't attempted to modify the report's text box height dynamically -
> that I think would be quite tricky!  If you are interested in looking at my
> code, (written in basic), I could post it on the list.  Just let me know.
> Noel
> --
> Noel Lodge
> lodg...@gmail.com
> On 23 January 2014 09:01, Harvey Nimmo <har...@nimmo.de> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2014-01-22 at 17:50 +0100, Alex Thurgood wrote:
> > > On 22/01/2014 16:40, Harvey Nimmo wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Harvey,
> > >
> > >
> > > > I am fetching records from a query and putting them in various text
> > > > boxes in the 'detail' section of a report. Two fields of each record
> > > > may, however, contain more text than fit into the corresponding text
> > box
> > > > and would need to be printed on more than one line. Unfortunately, I do
> > > > not know how to the change the text box height dynamically to allow the
> > > > full text of the record field to be displayed. Obviously, if that were
> > > > somehow possible, also the height of the 'detail' section would have to
> > > > be increased for that record (and both would have to be reset for the
> > > > next record). The height of a text box (in the properties table) is
> > > > 'fixed' and I can find no attribute that would make a text box
> > > > 'expandable' as needed for the above.  Where can I do that?
> > >
> > > Ah, that rings a bell as an oft requested feature improvement. You might
> > > want to wade through LO's bugzilla to see if someone hasn't already
> > > registered this - it may well even have come up on this mailing list
> > before.
> > >
> > > At present, there is no way that I know of to do what you want, other
> > > than making your text fields sufficiently dimensioned when creating yur
> > > report to take account of the odd record or two that exceeds the single
> > > line.
> > >
> > > Alex
> >
> > Well, it doesn't sound like a bug, but rather a feature that may or may
> > not be supported.
> > I had the thought I might try a macro, but I need help for that and
> > pointing in the right direction.
> >
> > Harvey
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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